We’re a dynamic team of quantity surveying and cost engineering. Specialists that pride ourselves on working closely with our clients’ to assist them in achieving their objectives on each and every project from conception to completion
Whatever your requirements, we view each and every job with equal importance, and our aim is always the same - to provide our clients with cost advice in an efficient and timely manner.
Quantity Surveying &
Cost Management
At BAQS we address the overall problem of maintaining integrity between quality and aesthetics by providing our clients with a Cost Management service.
Cost Management entails planning, coordination, design interrogation and control of the construction costs from inception to completion. Our aim is to maximise our clients’ profit margin and at the same time produce a stand out project.
As part of the process, a detailed analysis of the work completed on site is assessed monthly. We also evaluate variations and ensure that a true value of these works is found. This information is implemented into a cost report and is utilised to keep the client informed of the current status of the project throughout.
Tax Depreciation
Looking to maximise your tax deductions and improve the cash flow position of your investments? Look no further. We offer prompt, affordable and accurate tax depreciation reports at competitive prices. Our services include: estimates of future depreciation for sales and marketing campaigns as well as final detailed depreciation schedules. Tax Depreciation reports are available to the property investor in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by the Australian Taxation Office. BAQS are registered with the Tax Practitioners Board of Australia.
Financial Reporting &
Bank Reports
Quantity Surveyors are Financiers’ eyes and ears on the ground. It is through our reporting that the Clients and the Financiers’ security can be preserved from commencement of construction through to the project being successfully completed and loan repaid. The key services include a Financial Audit and providing due diligence on projects prior to funding. This entails the following services and reviews:
Building Cost Estimate
Review of all Project Costs and Contingency
Review of Design Documentation
Building Contract review and Contract documentation.
Audit of insurances both Contractor and Consultants.
Review of the Construction Programme and Project / Construction Cash Flow Forecast
Financial audit and audit of the suitability of the builder
Once construction is underway we are actively involved and prepare detailed Monthly Financial Reports to the bank that typically include the following tasks:
Site Inspection and Progress claim certificate review and valuations
Financiers monthly reports ensuring adequate funding is maintained on a cost to complete basis
Ongoing review of insurances both Contractor and Consultants
Ongoing review of construction programme including tracking of the Programme and Cash Flow and reporting on any delays
Proactively highlight issues, examples include Industrial Relations, OH&S, builder’s non-performance, and defective works.
Insurance Replacement
Given that building costs regularly vary, it is important to keep the replacement value and insurance valuation of your property up to date. It’s equally important to stay up to date with construction costs and trends.
By providing you with a detailed cost estimate valuation, BAQS make it possible for you to protect your investments with accurate building insurance and replacement valuations.
But what makes BAQS distinctive from competitors in insurance replacement valuations is the detailed excellence of our insurance replacement reports. They contain a thorough insurance replacement estimate of the building cost that has been determined by conducting a site inspection and analysis of all relevant supplementary documentation.
Legal &
Expert Reports
As Director of Quantity Surveying, Des Berkowitz, is actively involved in providing Expert Legal Reports used in VCAT or other dispute resolution situations. We work closely with a number of legal practitioners, principals, developers and contractors in providing cost advice and reports with regards to construction industry matters.
Expert Reports and advice cover a broad spectrum of the construction sector and projects ranging from single dwellings through to major governmental capital works projects.
Lifecycle Costing &
Sinking Funds
Life cycle costing reports and analysis has become a vital key in forecasting costs and budgeting for funding of capital expenditure and essential maintenance costs into the future. As quantity surveyors we review and determine the effective life span, renewal requirements, effective life and obsolescence of various components of the building.
Our analysis of cost incudes comparisons of building elements, materials, plant or equipment, and their anticipated performance over time and life span.
Our detailed reports are based on close consultancy with building managers and body corporates to ensure the most effective outcome is achieved. Cost are modelled over time and recommendations for building up a realistic maintenance and sinking fund are made.
Project Conceptualization
& Feasibilty Studies
During the inception stage, we work with the client to define the project objectives. We carry out feasibility studies on the project and procurement strategies to ensure that the project is in a viable state to move forward. During planning, we assess the financial implications, programming and planning schedules and value and risk management concerning all of the parties involved.
We also have an active role in the planning of the delivery method and the design management.